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Red Waltz from Baota Mountain to Zhongnanhai - Introduction to the Development of the Ball in China (Part 2)
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Yan'an Ball

In 1937, American journalist Smedley came to Yan'an and she brought Western dance to Yan'an. Under her teaching, Yanan has a social dance. Smedley recalled: "Zhu De and I broke the superstition and unveiled the scene of social dance. Zhou Enlai then jumped up, but he danced like a person studying a number of learning questions. Peng Dehuai likes to be on the wall and refuses to jump A dance. He Long jumped on the floor of the blue brick shop with the music melody. He was the only rhythm dancer in the body. Among the women in Yan'an, I won the notoriety of the ruinous military style. So when Zhu De invited me to teach him to dance again, I actually refused him. He accused me of being afraid of things and said: 'I have spent half a lifetime with feudalism, and now I don't want to stop!' I have to stand up for democracy. The name jumped with him once."

At that time, there was a small Christian church on the east side of the bell tower in the ancient city of Yan'an, which was turned into the Grand Hall of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Almost every weekend night, there are evening parties or dance parties. The prosperous dance of Yanan soon caused the strong opposition of the women. Chairman Mao Zedong later recalled: "We also often hold dance parties in Yan'an. I am also a frequent visitor in the dance hall. At that time, not only did I like to dance, but also liked to dance when I came and sang. Even Zhu Lao also went to the next few. Pan exercises (described as Zhu De's dance steps are like the pace of the exercise). But my noble lady, He Zizhen, does not like dancing. She is especially annoyed at the fact that I am dancing..." It is said that Kang Keqing and He Zizhen even want to take guns and history. Mottle.

During the Mao Zedong period, he did not participate in ballroom dancing at first, but he often visited the dance

floor and had frequent contacts with Smedley and Wu Lili (Sketley's translator and secretary). ...There was a

marriage between Mao and He. In the ten years of Yan'an, at the weekends and holiday parties of the six years

after 1937-1942, social dance was a fashionable entertainment. On the occasion of the summer and autumn of

1942, after the rectification movement was fully carried out, the social dance gradually became sparse.

Zhongnanhai dance party

After a short silence, after entering Beijing, a Soviet expert arrived and the ballroom dance was revived. In that

era, in response to the call of the Party Central Committee, in addition to sweeping illiterate, but also to learn

from the Soviet Union's big brother, it was necessary to sweep the dance blind; it is said that Chairman Mao

also danced ballroom dance, and Premier Zhou’s ballroom dance was quite level, and the national leaders

were Jump, the people will not learn. All units regard the sweeping and dancing as a political task to reach the

young people of all units. The trade union also specially organized a social dance class for young people, and

there are special people to teach. The dance halls of the 1950s were just the opposite of the modern dance halls.

It was more men than women. It was estimated that there were more women and women in the family at that

time, and fewer women worked. In addition, the people of the 1950s were also feudal, the husband did not jump,

and the wife would not go out. of. At that time, the age of ballroom dancing was almost under 30. In the 1950s,

wearing Bragi, dancing ballroom dancing, and singing Soviet songs became the most fashionable.

Chairman Mao’s dancing photo was taken in Beijing in 1957 by the famous Soviet war correspondent Dmitry

Bartmanz. At the Lushan Conference in 1959, the leaders took their wives and took them during the day to dance

and watch the opera at night. After 1960, three years of disasters came, and the food was not enough. Who

danced, the dance of the unit was completely over, and the club that danced to

In the previous:Introduction to the development of the ball in China (part1)
The next article:In 1979, it was a spring--the introduction of the development of the ball in China (Part 3)